Aubie is our second daughter that I received for Christmas of 2006 from Keith. She is about 2 years old. Keith got her from the humane society when he picked her up she was a fixed girl cat that had been there since October. But when I took her to get declawed we were told she was a fixed boy, but since she is a cat and can't hear us we still call her Aubie for the Auburn Tigers. We aren't really football fans but if we are cheering on a team it is Auburn more than likely. Back to Aubie...When Keith got her home he asked his dad if he could keep her in there garage until he gave her to me, well they had to take her out of the cage he brought her home in right? Well, need less to say he was all cut up from my sweet little cat scratching him. But, the funny part is that when I picked her up and wrapped her in a towel to carry her home she was purring. I tell Keith all the time he is the best cat picker-outer and I am really glad that I got her. She was house trained from the minute I put her down. That is only a few good stories about our daughter. More to come later!